The EMN welcomes media interest in the scientific and clinical issues that will be presented at the 6th EMN Meeting on April 10-12, 2025

Media/Press Registration
Media/press representatives can register online selecting the “Press” option.
Once the registration is completed, they are contacted and requested to provide a scan of their identification/press card to confirm registration as press. 
Accredited journalists will have access to the 6th EMN meeting: all congress sessions, the poster area, the exhibition area, industry satellite symposia

Here below the list of media/press that can register with “Press” fee: 

•    Magazines, newspapers

•    Peer-reviewed journals publishing original manuscripts and having a regularly updated editorial news section or a supplemental conference news section

•    News agencies and newswire services

•    Broadcast media (radio or TV)

Categories not entitled to register as media or press

Representatives engaged in the following are NOT entitled to register as media, even if they have a valid press card, but are welcome to register as regular participants:

•    Public relations

•    Advertising, communications and media agencies

•    Sales and marketing

•    Financial analysis
•    Pharmaceutical companies

•    Foundations, charities, philanthropic organisations

•    Personal website (expressing personal opinions or not regularly writing about oncology)

•    Sponsored journalists (providing a letter of assignment/invitation issued by a company) as well as Publishers. 

•    Photographers or camera crew members usually attending onsite

Videotaping, photography and audio recording

Video recording of the education or scientific sessions is strictly prohibited. Photographing of copyrighted material reprinted without the prior consent of the study author/presenter is strictly prohibited.
Any type of content captured during sessions is only allowed for news coverage purposes (commercial or educational use of photos is strictly forbidden).

Embargo policy

No news/press releases on abstracts are permitted until the start of the opening session. The embargo on all posters and abstracts lifts at the opening of the EMN Meeting on Wednesday, April 10, 2025 at 10:00 local time.

The EMN welcomes media interest in the scientific and clinical issues that will be presented at the 6th EMN Meeting on April 10-12, 2025.


Organizing Secretariat

Studio E.R. Congressi, Via De’ Poeti 1/7 – 40124 Bologna

Tel. +39 051 4210559 - E-mail:

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